my take on a little bit of everything ... marriage, infertility, parenting, etc.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Position and Dilation?
Thursday, May 26, 2011
38 weeks
Size of baby: Month 9 (Week 36 - Delivery) Baby is the size of a watermelon. Average size: 18.9-20.9 in, 6.2-9.2 lb
38w - Peyton has really plumped up. She (approx.) weighs about 6.8 pounds and she's over 19 1/2 inches long. She has a firm grasp, which I'll soon be able to test when I hold her hand for the first time! Her organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb.
I still think Peyton is going to be small despite the conversation I had today with a coworker - she thinks I'm having a 9lb baby ... she must be on drugs.
Maternity Clothes: Yup - As much as I'm tired of sporting the same wardrobe week after week, I have to say I will miss the coziness of the stretchy waist. I can't believe I have to go back to buttons and zippers! :)
Weight Gain: I actually didn't gain any weight this week. I'm actually only at 18lbs (I read my chart on Friday)
Belly: It's weird - those maternity photos make my belly look huge!!! Here - not so much!
Stretch Marks: Nope, not yet. Still lathering on the lotions and oils. I'm not out of the woods yet ... I still check everyday.
Sleep: Sleep is OK. I'm exhausted during the day, but it's not for the lack of sleep. Well maybe it's for the lack of straight sleep. I wake up a few times during the night to adjust my position and/or go to the bathroom and/or to fight off a leg cramp.
Best Moment of the Week: Knowing that today is my "last" day of work. Next week I will come in only to clean my office, file emails, and shadow my freelancer.
Movement: She has been moving a lot actually. Lots of squirming around. I wonder if she is either moving herself downward and trying to escape or if it's simply she has gotten bigger, so I feel more of the movement.
Symptoms: Cramping, pressure, gas. Lots going on in my mid region.
Food cravings: I still love food.
Gender: A Little Lady.
What I Miss: Sleeping on my stomach. And honestly not having all the attention drawn to my stomach. I will not miss random people touching me.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Everything. Finishing work. Labor starting. The birth. Holding her for the first time. Seeing what she looks like.
Weekly Wisdom: Start a birth date and such pool - it's funny to hear what everyone thinks. I've gotten as early as tomorrow and as late as June 19th!
Milestones: I'm in the two week countdown!
Emotions: Excited. Anxious. Impatient for it all to happen. I want to enjoy the rest of the pregnancy but I want her to be here already. C said to me this morning "When is this baby coming? Stop hogging her and share her!" He is too cute.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Maternity Photos

Thursday, May 19, 2011
37 weeks
Size of baby: Month 9 (Week 36 - Delivery) Baby is the size of a watermelon. Average size: 18.9-20.9 in, 6.2-9.2 lb
37w - Peyton is now considered "full term," even though my due date is three weeks away. If I go into labor now, her lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb.
Peyton weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel. Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But I shouldn't be surprise if her hair isn't the same color as mine ... and honestly I'm expecting it to be black, just like Daddy.
Maternity Clothes: Yup - As much as I'm tired of sporting the same wardrobe week after week, I have to say I will miss the coziness of the stretchy waist. I can't believe I have to go back to buttons and zippers! :)Weight Gain: Another pound ... I've hit the 20 lb mark.
Belly: I had my appt on Friday and the midwife felt my belly and said "You are not having a big baby. This one is small." I kind of figured that - C and I were both 6lbs and some change. I guess we will see if she is right soon.
Stretch Marks: Nope, not yet. Still lathering on the lotions and oils.
Sleep: Sleep is OK. I'm exhausted during the day, but it's not for the lack of sleep. Well maybe it's for the lack of straight sleep. I wake up a few times during the night to adjust my position and/or go to the bathroom and/or to fight off a leg cramp.
Best Moment of the Week: C and I laying in bed last night and I was on my side, and he was "spooning" me and holding my belly and he said "I just love her so much already." That really put a smile on my face (especially after the day I had - see previous post.)
Movement: Sporadic movement. Although yesterday she was a moving machine. It really isn't consistent, so I cherish every time I do feel her move.
Symptoms: Cramping, pressure, gas. Lots going on in my mid region.
Food cravings: Hungry all the time, but for nothing in particular. But when I eat, I can pack it away. She is located on the right side of my body, free from my stomach, so that's why I think I can still eat a lot.
Gender: A Little Lady.
What I Miss: Sleeping on my stomach. And C misses this too, because I always end up on my back and apparently that - and the addition of my allergies - makes me snore.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Everything. Finishing work. Labor starting. The birth. Holding her for the first time. Seeing what she looks like.
Weekly Wisdom: Don't buy a nursing bra before the baby (or rather before the milk) comes. I imagine you have no idea how big you'll actually be. Instead buy a nursing sports bra or nursing tank top. I tried on a bunch of nursing bras a few weeks ago and was so overwhelmed during the process. Finally when I walked back to the maternity department, I saw the tank tops and a light went off in my head... Aha! then I wished that I saw that before I tried on ten bras!
Milestones: I am full term. This is a HUGE milestone!
Emotions: Well if you read my post yesterday, I had a emotional breakdown of sorts. I'm much better today. Actually I was much better by yesterday afternoon. It's not like the people I deal with on a daily basis has changed, it's just that 1. I am more emotional; 2. I'm more tired; and 3. I can't drink the stress away when I get home. :)
It felt like everything came to a head yesterday morning - which is the worst time of the day for me regardless of being pregnant. I'm a night person and function the best at about 1 pm on. And dealing with bullshit first thing in the morning just didn't sit well with me yesterday. Anyhow, only two more weeks of work left. I just have to keep saying that to myself ...
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
I am so unbelievably over it. Everything. Work. Friends. Family. Responsibility. Being nice. Being dependable. Being understanding. If I don’t push myself to the breaking point on everything, I get shit. But I should forgive all others if they push a deadline, miss a meeting, flake out, act nasty, etc. I am so sick of it. I’m sick of dealing with all the fucking crap that comes with being a productive adult. I don’t set expectations on anyone but myself, therefore I do not like having expectations set upon me by someone else. But I can’t seem to get away from them. I want to check out. I want to throw my hands up and say “Fuck it. I’m done.” Turn off my phone, unplug the internet and live in solitary.
I have been a thriving pregnant woman – and because, I’m constantly moving and going. People are always complimenting on “how impressed they are that I’m feeling so well.” But you know what that does? That just makes people think that I can – at 37 weeks pregnant – work 14 hours a day. I’m fucking tired. Not physically, but mentally. I’m overwhelmed – with work, with commitments, with the impending life change and I’m slowly getting burnt out. It’s my own fault. I’ve set the precedent that “I’m feeling good and I can do it all.” Why don’t I open my mouth and say “No more!!!” ?? Seriously … no more.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Thursday, May 12, 2011
36 weeks
Size of baby: My final MONTH!!! Month 9 (Week 36 - Delivery) Baby is the size of a watermelon. Average size: 18.9-20.9 in, 6.2-9.2 lb (<---- WOW - 9 lbs????)
36w - She's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered her body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected her skin during her nine-month amniotic bath. Peyton swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, will form the contents of her first bowel movement. Ewww, Peyton! :)
Maternity Clothes: Yes - but still not many maternity shirts. I'm sick of wearing the same 6 pairs of work pants each week. But I do love my jeans ... and I know it's stupid b/c I only have 4 weeks left, but I had to buy a pair of cropped jeans b/c it's getting too hot! :)
Weight Gain: I think I'm up 19lbs total.
Belly: Yes, I have one. haha. I'll post one later.
Stretch Marks: Nope, not yet. Still lathering on the lotions and oils.
Sleep: Sleep isn't too bad. I still wake up a few times during the night, but am able to get back to bed pretty quickly. I am having crazy birth dreams now. Last night I was standing in the hospital room by myself and looked in the mirror and my stomach was completely flat except for a little bulge near my pubic bone. I looked down and the baby's head was sticking out. Yikes! Let's hope that doesn't happen - although in my dream it didn't hurt, so maybe ....
Best Moment of the Week: Just knowing that she will be here in less than a month!
Movement: She moves. Lots of scooting around. Lots of feeling of movement REALLY low. I think she is trying to punch her way out.
Symptoms: Cramps, lots of them. And pressure in my crotch and butt. I want her to stay in at least until the first week in June, but I'm not sure I want to go thru this for another 3-4 weeks.
Food cravings: Nothing sounds appetizing to me these days. I'll eat whatever is convenient, but when C asks me I want, I can never come up with an answer.
Gender: A Little Lady.
What I Miss: Sleeping on my stomach.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Not working in 3 weeks. I can't believe I only have three weeks left.
Weekly Wisdom: "It rubs the lotion on its skin. It does this whenever it is told." Use lotion all over. On the belly, arms, legs, face. I have noticed that my skin feel extra dry these days even though I'm drinking a ton of water still.
Milestones: In my last month of pregnancy!!!
Emotions: Emotionally feeling good. Excited. I do snap at people, but most of them understand. Physically, I'm tired. usually at the end of the day. Right now I'm miserable b/c my allergies are AWFUL!!! It always makes me feel like I'm sick. Boo hoo.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
35 weeks
Size of baby: Month 8 (32-36 wk) Baby is size of honeydew; 17.2 - 18.7 inches long and 4.2 - 5.8 lbs. This baby is getting big!!!
35w - Peyton doesn't have much room to maneuver now that she may be over 18 inches long and tipping the scales at 5 1/4 pounds. Because she's so snug in your womb, she isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times she kicks should remain about the same. Her kidneys are fully developed now, and her liver can process some waste products. Most of her basic physical development is now complete — she'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.
Maternity Clothes: Yup.
Weight Gain: I didn't weight myself this morning, but as of yesterday morning, I was up 18lbs.
Belly: Here is a little different perspective. Look at my little toes hanging out down there. haha.
Stretch Marks: Nope, not yet. Still lathering on the lotions and oils.
Sleep: Actually sleep hasn't been too bad lately. I still wake up a few times a night to reposition myself or go to the bathroom once or twice or jump out of bed with a leg cramp. But I haven't had any cases of insomnia, so I'm happy about that.
Best Moment of the Week: Having three women all at once shriek when I told them I only have 5 weeks left at how little my belly was. That was nice, because some days I feel huge.
Movement: Still the same. She is scooting around, but I haven't seen an arm or hand or foot pop out of my belly yet. I have to admit I'm a little jealous of those who get to see that. I think she is facing my back because I feel all the punching and kicking actually "inside" of me. I just feel her move her back and butt and anytime she gets the hiccups.
Symptoms: My digestive system is all out of whack. Some days are good, some days are bad. And crazy dreams. I've been having a ton of them. Some are pregnancy related. Some are work related. But they are insane!
Food cravings: OMG - I ate like a horse yesterday. I haven't as hungry during the rest of the pregnancy as I am now. I thought I would be feeling fuller sooner, but I sure can pack it away these days. :)
Gender: A Little Lady.
What I Miss: Nothing much. Well - I miss my clothes. I'm kind of getting sick of wearing the same work pants over and over. At least a majority of my shirts still fit.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Now that's it's May I can say I'm looking forward to next month. Next month I will have a little tiny person to care for. Next month I get to see what C and I work so hard for.
Weekly Wisdom: This is for the baby. Play music to the baby. Music you like. That way when they are fussing, you can put on something that you enjoy and they will hopefully recognize it and it will help soothe them. I am on a four album rotation ... Dashboard Confessionals, the GardenState soundtrack, the Last Kiss soundtrack (that Zach Braff sure knows how to pick good tunes) and a Beatles compilation album. I put my headphones on my belly almost every night and as I read my book (desperately trying to get through the rest of "Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest") Peyton is listening to some tunes. It definitely stimulates her because by the middle of the first song she is moving around.
Milestones: 35 weeks. Again, each week is a milestone.
Emotions: Still get teary eyed at a lot of things. Sometimes I find myself getting a little blue, but I try really hard to get myself out of it really quick. The weather has been great, so that helps. I think I'm just getting anxious and excited and ready for the next part ... meeting her!
Monday, May 2, 2011
National Foster Care Awareness Month
May is National Foster Care Awareness Month.
As I've mentioned before, I sit on the board of a non profit that grants wishes to children in foster care. This is often a population that is overlooked and unseen. Please read below on the facts of foster care.
Facts About Foster Care
Many of the wishes granted by One Simple Wish are made by foster children through their families or through the social service agencies that support them. Foster children are an often invisible population. Foster children need our voice...and here are some facts to explain why:
• Nearly 500,000 children live in the foster care system each year. • About 58% of children in foster care are children of color. • Approximately one third of the children remain in foster care for three years. • Over 20,000 children age out of foster care every year with little to no support. • Children who age out of of foster care are several times more likely to end up homeless, addicted to drugs or incarerated. It is estimated that more than 250,000 prisoners in the US were once foster children. • The average child in foster care remains in the system for more than 2 years, living away from their families, friends and familiar environments. |
Now That You Know The Facts, Here's How You Can Help:
1. Wear This For Awareness.
All month long, show your support for foster children and One Simple Wish.
Set of 2 One Simple Wish Support Bracelets - $5
2. Grant A Wish or Donate.
Browse One Simple Wish wishes and make a small miracle happen for a foster children. Every wish granted, is another sign of hope to a child in foster care.
Donate Now.
91% of all donations go to our wish granting program.
3. Get Involved
Volunteer with One Simple Wish and see first hand how much our work makes a difference. Click here to go to to see our current volunteer opportunities or contact us to find out more.
4. Spread the word
Simply repost this post to spread the awareness and have your friends and families visit One Simple Wish to see how they can help a child in need.
*Definitions: Victimized children include those who are the subject of at least one substantiated or indicated maltreatment report, and/or who were identified as alternative response victims. Percent estimates of maltreated children in each age group are based on the total number of children less than 18 who are victims of maltreatment. It is important to note that the numbers presented here cannot include victimized children who have never been made known to the system through a maltreatment report. Because of this, and because of state differences in policies and practices—including variations in the legal definitions of maltreatment—readers should exercise caution in interpreting trends and in making state-by-state comparisons. Percentages are not calculated for a small number of cases where age is unknown but are included in the total number of maltreated children. Therefore, percentages may not total to 100 percent. We use the same definition of substantiation as the Child Maltreatment 2009 report. Unlike many of the tabulations in Child Maltreatment our analyses examined the number of children who were maltreated, not the number of maltreatment incidents. Since a child can be the subject of more than one maltreatment incident, the numbers of children in each category presented here will be smaller than Child Maltreatment’s tabulations pertaining to numbers of incidents. Victims who were unborn or are older than 17 years old are not included. State estimates are shown only for states with valid data. Child fatalities are included in the National total, but not within state totals. State-level data on fatalities are not available in NCANDS in order to protect confidentiality. Due to missing state data National totals are not provided before 2004. National estimates include Puerto Rico after 2005. More...
Data Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Children’s Bureau. National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS) Child File, FFY 2000–2009. NCANDS data used with permission from Cornell University’s National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect website, The collector of the original data, the funding agency, NDACAN, Cornell University, and the agents or employees of these institutions bear no responsibility for the analyses or interpretations presented here. More...
Footnotes: Updated April 2011.
N.A. – Data not available.
Note: Maps use the natural break classification method, which reflects patterns in the data by dividing the map into naturally occurring groups. Using statistical tools, this method determines cut-off points for each group by identifying large gaps in data values.
Note: The District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands are not included in maps and rankings because they are not states and therefore comparisons on many indicators of child well being are not meaningful.