Number 2
I am the President of the Board of a non profit called My dear friend D started this nonprof

The great thing about how the system is set up is that as a donor you can see EXACTLY where you're money is going. You can choose to search wishes either by age of child, organization affiliated with, item, type of wish (goods, experience, etc.) and dollar amount. Whatever the donor decided to grant, they know that they are sending money for or purchasing a "coat" for "a 5 yr boy" who is living in "foster care" in "x town". It's a great way for the donor to feel a connection with the recipient.
It's a lot of work, but such amazingly rewarded work. Sometimes when I'm feeling bad about something, anything, I think about the 800 children that I helped put a smile on their faces, even just for a day.
For more information on On.e Simp.le Wis.h, please feel free to visit
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