Friday, February 3, 2012

Peyton 8 Months

15lbs 4oz (6th percentile)

26" (17th percentile)

Diaper size
2's - she has the cutest tush

Clothing size
3-6 months in baby gap; 6 months in carter's;

Feeding Schedule
8 am - 7oz formula
10am - 2oz oatmeal, 2oz fruit, some water
12pm - 7oz
4pm - 7oz
6pm - 2 oz "dinner" (chicken mixed with veggies); 2oz veggies, some water

Tomorrow we are starting a third solid feeding at 2pm.

Still sleeping thru the night. She has been getting up at night due to teething or something. I've been seeing a lot of 4ams lately.

Favorite toy/entertainment
She loves her Dance Wiggle dog - I don't know what the real name is, but you know what I'm talking about. She loves ABC blocks and my iTouch with Laugh and Learn apps.

First tooth - Jan 18th
Creeping around - almost crawling - mid January
Starting to clap - just a few days ago

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