Hmmm ... Maybe 17lbs (last time we were at the doc was two weeks ago and she was 16lbs 10oz)
Diaper size
I are finishing up our 2's, but we purchased a huge box of 3's - cruisers. They seem to hold it all in, so we are movin' on up!
Clothing size
3-6 months in baby g.ap; 6 months in c.arter's; She still wears 3 month onesies. I started buying summer stuff and I pushed myself to buy 6-12 in g.ap and 9 months in c.arters ... She will eventually get bigger - I think.
Feeding Schedule
8 am - 7oz formula
10am - 3oz oatmeal, 2oz fruit, some water, cheerios; sometimes we do egg yolks and a sliver of toast.
12pm - 6oz; snack (cracker or something)
1:30pm – 2-4oz veggies, finger food (today was avocados) and puffs
4pm - 6oz
6pm - 2 oz "dinner" (chicken mixed with veggies); 2oz veggies, some water; graham cracker for "dessert"
8pm - 7oz
We are on the verge of dumping pureed stuff and moving to all finger foods. We do that at home all the time, but it's easier right now at daycare to just give them a jar of e.arth's b.est and call it a day.
Sleeps great. Bedtime slowly receded from 8 to 7:30. With summer coming, she'll be in bed before the sun goes down soon. She wakes up anywhere from 7 - 7:45am. Usually takes (2) 1.5-2 hr naps when she's home with me. It's a different story at daycare. I think she just doesn't want to miss anything (she is so my husband in that regards)
Favorite toy/entertainment
I bought her these cups that fit into each other on a whim - they were in the check out line at BRU - she LOVESSSS them. She can sit there forever playing with them.
First top tooth – April 3
Cruising - March 25
We ask her where Ma-ma is and she turns to me and says"ma-ma" and she does the same with "da-da" - I'm not counting that as first words b/c we prompt it. She does say "Whoa" a lot and it's so cute. I'm sure it's just the sound she likes making, but still, so cute.
Starting pushing her "walker" around - she walks all over now.
She still can't stand by herself or no sign of taking unassisted steps yet.
She loves the swing
April 3rd - 10 months old!!!

Easter Breakfast
Love these tights