Monday, October 18, 2010

6w4d - Morning Sickness?

So if you haven't gotten it from my previous posts, I want to feel a little sick, to get that wave of unsteadiness and be aware of the nearest restroom. I know it's strange to WANT to get sick, but all I think about is what my SIL told me years ago "Morning sickness is just a sign of a thriving pregnancy." It's the quintessential symptom of pregnancy. It's the one the movies highlight - not the exhaustion, headaches or sore bbs - it's all about the morning sickness. I do understand that all pregnancies are different and not everyone gets morning sickness, but it doesn't help when a friend of mine (who is due the same day as me) is posting on FB that all she is doing is "throwing up." I can't help but feel a little jealous.

So yesterday afternoon, I started to feel a little nauseous I thought "OK. It's about time!" I had eaten lunch around 1PM and it was close to 6PM, so I was probably due to eat. My girlfriend and her 6 month old son were over so I was waiting to eat until they left. But about a hour later, right before they were getting ready to leave, I started to feel really sick. I grabbed a saltine and tried to eat it, but it was only making it worse. I walked her out to her car and came back in the house. And then the real wave hit me. I went running to the bathroom and got, what one could only call violently sick. I finished my business and walked proudly upstairs to tell C that it has finally happened. I am finally feeling pregnant. I got changed for bed and decided to call it an early evening. I was still feeling a bit nauseous, so I decided to bypass dinner and go to sleep. I was having a terrible sleep, waking up every 20 mins. Then about 2 hours after the first run to the bathroom, I was hitting it up again .... and again .... and again. Straight through the night. Then it hits me - this isn't morning sickness. Without jumping the TMI ledge, I realize that "all" my symptoms are leading to food poisoning. I continued to be sick all this morning and only now - over 24 hours since I ate that "contaminated" sandwich, am I able to sip on ginger ale and soup broth.

Of course, I immediately think about the pregnancy. Does this affect my growing bean? If in fact my bean is still growing. Realizing that this wasn't morning sickness just threw me back into the worries of a non symptom pregnancy (sadly my bbs don't even hurt anymore). I have two more days until I go in to see the heartbeat and I would bet my life's savings that it's not going to be favorable. I just have this terrible feeling that it's going to be a gut wrenching day. I have a feeling that I will be running to a bathroom to be sick, but not with hormone induced sickness, just pain and hurt sickness.

I wish I felt more positive. C keeps telling me that everything is going to be fine. God I wish I could believe him. I wish I could just believe.


  1. Hang in there sweetie. Not everyone gets morning sickness. My bff has 1 beautiful & healthy daughter and another one on the way and she had zero sickness!

  2. Hang in there! I know how anxious you are, I am 5 wks 5 days today and not one stinking urge to puke either. I am told only 75% of women get morning sickness maybe we are just the lucky 25%. Chin up.

  3. Dont worry, I had food poisoning very early in my last pregnancy and the baby was fine. Just make sure you are staying hydrated. And you could very well be early for ms. Mine didnt hit till 7-8 weeks and then I had it all day till 28 weeks.

  4. I understand your worry, but try if you can to enjoy this pregnancy.

  5. Thinking of you a lot! my fingers crossed for a great and re-assuring appointment in 2 days!!!

  6. Thinking of you during this time. I will keep you in my prayers for good news at your ultrasound. Hang in there!!

  7. UGH! Hope you get to feeling better. Definitely sending you lots and lots of positive thoughts and crossing my fingers, legs, arms, eyes...all of it for you.
