Thursday, October 7, 2010

5 Weeks

I saw a few other bloggers do this and I thought it would be great way to "journal" my progress. I am trying anything to make myself believe that I am actually pregnant and that I should be enjoying this.

How Far Along: A mere 5 weeks 1 day.

Size of baby: Apple seed.

Maternity Clothes: No.

Stretch Marks: No more than the usual. LOL

Sleep: I'm getting tired mid-day. But am starting to suffer from mid-night insomnia. I was up from 3-5AM last night.

Best Moment of the Week: Getting back the third beta levels and them being over 1000!

Movement: No.

Symptoms: Exhausted, sore bbs, blue veins
(although these are def brought on by PIO) and cramps like AF is coming.

Food cravings: None.

Gender: ?

What I Miss: Nothing at all! Well that's not entirely true, I will miss brie cheese. (I love that stuff!!)

What I'm Looking Forward To: My first ultrasound next Tuesday.

Weekly Wisdom: I don't have any. Sorry.

Milestones: Getting pregnant - isn't that a big enough milestone!

Emotions: Nervous - a lot. My temper is a little short, but I don't think that's pregnancy related. I think that's stupid people related.


  1. I love your Journal!!! I am so happy to see this post:) Here is to a wonderful 9 months for you and your LO!!!

  2. Great post! I hope you continue this throughout your pregnancy.

  3. Congrats on your IVF success! How amazing! My husband and I will be going through IVF in a couple months, so I love finding blogs where women go through it and get pregnant! :) I'm now following your blog and looking forward to reading more about your pregnancy as the days unfold.

    ~Bobbi @

  4. I am exactly 5 weeks today and your post has helped me greatly! I have to wait 2 more days (not counting today) to even get second beta checked! But so far my beta has been on track with your as well as the symptoms! Thank you for blogging during your pregnancy!!!!
