Friday, September 17, 2010

Half way through

Ok. I'm officially half way through this process. I went in yesterday for my retrieval. I had caught a cold on Tuesday, so to be proactive they gave me V.istaril to help clear up the congestion. I didn't have a great night sleep, so I was up at 5:30 am waiting around until we had to leave at 8:30. And of course since I couldn't drink anything that was ALL I wanted to do. I wanted water so bad I brushed my teeth twice.

When I got there I got changed into a gown and my cozy socks. I think there were three other women there as well. I have to say all the nurses were REALLY great. They were all concerned about my cold and eventually spoke with the anesthesiologist about getting me something to clear me up. And since I was REALLY crampy and uncomfortable, they mixed together a shot of pain killer and some kind of cough/cold med. Then got my IV, some fluids and I was off into the OR. I walked myself in and sat on the table. I was starting to feel very tired, but for some reason kept fighting to keep my eyes open. Like I wanted to stay awake as long as possible. Then the next thing I remember, they were sitting me up on table and saying it was over.

I got back to the pre-op/recovery area. I was there for about 2 hours. I think I slept on and off that whole time. I was surprised that I was in a little bit of pain. I thought it would have actually gone away after the extraction. I was waiting for Dr. D to come back and tell me the news of actually how many they were able to get. Ya ready?


Yup, 17 little eggies. All the nurses said wonderful and great number. C and I were pleased nonetheless. So I get changed, get packed up and headed home. We got home around 1 Pm and I slept until 5. When I woke up I had a fever, so I got a little nervous and called the office. They told me to watch it, but were pretty certain that it came from the cold not the procedure. So that was good.
Then I got the call today from the embryologist .....

11 fertilized

I am all set for a 5 day transfer on Tuesday. And my beta is scheduled for Thursday, 9/30. I can't believe just how fast this is all happening. I'm keeping good, positive thoughts that this is it! Every now and again the terrifying thought of "this isn't 100% guaranteed" pops in and I think about that for a moment, but I am really REALLY trying to be positive. I've lived the last 24+ months in perpetual disappointment. I think I deserve a break from that!


  1. YAYYYYYYYYYYYY! This is great news! I'll keep my fingers crossed for Tuesday. :)

  2. Fantastic numbers! now you can sit back and relax! How very exciting!!! ET will be here in no time! I hope you will shake off the cold and start to feel better very soon. Grow Little Ones, Grow!!! Yay!:)

  3. OMG! Those eggie numbers are amazing. I wish I could hug you in person. I'm so proud of you. I can't wait to hear more. Love you to the moon and back!


  4. Wonderful numbers!! So excited for you!

  5. Holly molly!!! How freaking exciting!!! I cant wait to read about your positive preggos test! This is going to happen. God is good!

  6. OMG! Those numbers are AWESOME!!! So happy for you!!!
